Thursday 14 May 2009

Penultimate practical

At the entrance to the metro this morning some European activists were handing out election materials. Shame they didn't pop underground to see where all the leaflets ended up.

This is going to be a vacherin (NB no cheese involved). On the left is the main mould with a meringue spiral as a base. On the right is the insert which also has a meringue base and is filled with a sour cherry sorbet.

The beast will fit together in the main mould as follows: a layer of vanilla ice cream will go onto the meringue. Then the demoulded insert (upside-down). Then more vanilla ice-cream. Once the whole thing has frozen solid and been demoulded, little meringue fingers are stuck around the circumference alternating with Chantilly spirals.

[Retrospective edit: Unfortunately, when we came back to finish these the following Tuesday, it turned out someone had jettisoned our vanilla ice-cream. So the project was abandoned.]

We also made our own Norwegian omelettes but someone whisked mine into a box before I could photograph it. In essence it's ice cream sandwiched between discs of imbibed sponge. The whole lot is covered in decorative Italian meringue.

And we had a final chance to practise our PLF.

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